Privacy Policy

Updated at 10/06/2023

We respect the privacy of our users and try to be as straightforward as possible with what data we gather!


We are currently updating this page with the latest info!

Discord Data

Here you will find what data we gather from your Discord account

User ID, Username, Discriminator and Avatar

We use your discord ID to identify you and we use it to offer you features like the Moderation and Leveling systems. The username, discriminator and avatar are for dashboard use only. WE DO NOT delete user data right now but you can always do that yourself by logging in with your account and pressing the Delete Account button in the dashboard!

Guild ID, Name and Acronym

When you add a bot in your server it will save your Guild ID, Name and Acronym. These are stored to identify a guild and make it possible for an administrator to change its settings. Once you remove it everything that we keep will be deleted. YOU CANT CHANGE DISCORD SETTINGS VIA OUR PANEL!

Aura Data

Here you will find what data we store for the bot to function correctly


Your token is an unique identifier that we use to identify you when you login or request some information from our server.


Your UUID is a unique identifier that we use for our Drops system (and other systems in the future). Your UUID will not be deleted if you request an account deletion


Some of your settings overwrite guild specific ones. For example if your native language is Greek and you make it a default it will overwrite any guild setting. Your settings will be deleted if you request an account deletion


Everything about your global leveling system. Your leveling data will be deleted if you request an account deletion. This is not true for your guild leveling data


We use your Discord ID and the Guild ID to record punishments per guild. This kind of information will not be deleted when you request an account deletion, but you can contact us via Discord or Email, and we will remove them.


Your Aura badges are separate from the rest of your information and they are not gonna be deleted with an account deletion request.


Your claimed package information are connected with your Discord Profile and will be deleted once you request an account deletion.


We have Cloudflare Analytics implemented into our website so we can have a basic understanding where our customers are coming from.


We do not use cookies, and we do not plan (for now) to use them in the future. If there are any cookies in our website it's from a third party (for example Cloudflare Analytics)